The ReportLab Toolkit allows you to create PDF files within Python. There is a library of functions to create your document using headlines, paragraphs, fonts, tables, charts, etc. By installing the Python Imaging Library (PIL) you can also add images to your documents.
- Download the binary version of the Report Lab installer for the version of Python used by Vizard. Use the table below to determine which version of Python your Vizard installation uses:
- Vizard 2.x uses Python 2.3
- Vizard 3.x uses Python 2.4
- Vizard 4.x uses Python 2.7
- Vizard 5.x uses Python 2.7
- Run the installer. It should automatically detect Vizard's Python installation. If you have multiple Python installations on your computer, make sure you select the Vizard Python installation.
- optional: Download and install PIL. ReportLab supports JPEGs, but to add other image file types like GIF or PNG to your report you'll need PIL. Take a look at this PIL article from the Knowledge Base for installation instructions and how to use PIL on it's own within Vizard.
For an introduction to the ReportLab PDF library and explanation of many of it's features with example code take a look at the reportlab-userguide.pdf from the documentation page. Save it to your computer by right-clicking on the file and choosing 'Save Target As...' (IE) or 'Save Link As...' (Firefox).
For more example code take a look at the tests in ReportLab's subversion repository.
The following pdf file is an example of what you could do with your Vizard data. Here the data is displayed in paragraph form and then within a table and chart. The code that generated this follows.
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Frame, Spacer, Image, Table, TableStyle, SimpleDocTemplate
from import VerticalBarChart
from import Drawing, string
from import Label
from import Legend
#This is your data collected from your Vizard experiment
subject1 = 'Tom'
subject2 = 'Ana'
results1 = [15,23,42,56,76]
results2 = [34,67,94,31,56]
#take the data and make ready for paragraph
def dataToParagraph(name, data):
p = '<strong>Subject name: </strong>' + name + '<br/>' + '<strong>Data: </strong> ('
for i in range(len(data)):
p += str(data[i])
if i != len(data) - 1:
p += ', '
p += ')'
return p
#take the data and convert to list of strings ready for table
def dataToTable(name, data):
data = [str(x) for x in data]
return data
#create the table for our document
def myTable(tabledata):
#first define column and row size
colwidths = (70, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50)
rowheights = (25, 20, 20)
t = Table(tabledata, colwidths, rowheights)
GRID_STYLE = TableStyle(
[('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,
('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
return t
#create a bar chart and specify positions, sizes, and colors
def myBarChart(data):
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
bc = VerticalBarChart()
bc.x = 50
bc.y = 50
bc.height = 125
bc.width = 300 = data
bc.barWidth = .3*inch
bc.groupSpacing = .2 * inch
bc.strokeColor =
bc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0
bc.valueAxis.valueMax = 100
bc.valueAxis.valueStep = 10
bc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'ne'
bc.categoryAxis.labels.dx = 8
bc.categoryAxis.labels.dy = -2
catNames = string.split('Trial1 Trial2 Trial3 Trial4 Trial5')
bc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = catNames
bc.bars[0].fillColor =
bc.bars[1].fillColor = colors.lightblue
return drawing
#add a legend for the bar chart
def myBarLegend(drawing, name1, name2):
"Add sample swatches to a diagram."
d = drawing or Drawing(400, 200)
swatches = Legend()
swatches.alignment = 'right'
swatches.x = 80
swatches.y = 160
swatches.deltax = 60
swatches.dxTextSpace = 10
swatches.columnMaximum = 4
items = [(, name1), (colors.lightblue, name2)]
swatches.colorNamePairs = items
d.add(swatches, 'legend')
return d
######## Now lets put everything together. ########
# create a list and add the elements of our document (image, paragraphs, table, chart) to it
story = []
#define the style for our paragraph text
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
styleN = styles['Normal']
#First add the Vizard Logo
im = Image("worldviz-logo-white.jpg", width=3*inch, height=3*inch)
im.hAlign = 'CENTER'
#add the title
story.append(Paragraph("<strong>Results for Vizard Experiment</strong>",styleN))
#convert data to paragraph form and then add paragraphs
story.append(Paragraph(dataToParagraph(subject1, results1),styleN))
story.append(Paragraph(dataToParagraph(subject2, results2),styleN))
#add our table - first prepare data and then pass this to myTable function
tabledata = (
('', 'Trial 1', 'Trial 2', 'Trial 3','Trial 4','Trial 5'),
dataToTable(subject1, results1),
dataToTable(subject2, results2))
#add our barchart and legend
drawing = myBarChart([results1,results2])
drawing = myBarLegend(drawing,subject1,subject2)
drawing.hAlign = 'CENTER'
#build our document with the list of flowables we put together
doc = SimpleDocTemplate('mydoc.pdf',pagesize = letter, topMargin=0)