Inspector: Finding Objects in a Scene
Part 1: When you know the name but not the location
1. Navigating the hierarchy
2. Verifying a Selection
3. Using the search function
Part 2: When you know the location but not the name
1. Viewport Navigation controls
2. Finding the name through navigation
Part 1: When you know the name but not the location
1. Navigating the Scene Graph hierarchy
Inspector displays the full list of objects, lights, geometry, drawables and other node types in a scene graph. Each type of node has its own icon.
The scene graph shows objects in the order they were written during export, and some limited reorganization is possible through dragging, cutting and pasting. Sorting using the header columns is not currently supported. Ideally you'll be searching through a scene graph that has already been organized into a meaningful hierarchy.
Inspector: Particle Systems: The Basics
Creating a Particle System in Inspector
A particle system is a special kind of object that spits out particles - thousands of tiny images that float around in your environment based on the rules specified in the system.
Particle systems can be used for a variety of effects such as smoke, exhaust, rain, bubbles, and dust. Particle systems are extremely efficient, allowing the animation of tens of thousands of particles on screen with no perceptible performance hit.
Running Inspector and Creating a Particle System
Open Inspector, either from the Start Menu or from your Vizard install directory's bin folder.
e.g. C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard7\bin
With Inspector open, go to Create > Particle System. The particle system will appear in the Scene Graph, the Viewport, and its settings will appear in the Properties sub-window.
Read more
Inspector: Toggling Animation Auto-Start
"Autoplaying" means that an animation will play as soon as the model is loaded, instead of waiting to be triggered by python code. This tutorial shows how to toggle the autoplaying of animations within Inspector.
Open Inspector, either from the Start Menu or from your Vizard install directory's bin folder.
e.g. C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard7\bin
First you'll need a file that contains some kind of animation. You can download sample files here.
For this first part, we'll use AnimatedObject.osgb. Downlead sample files.